Rebuilding Windows XP almost from "scratch".

I continue the process to restore my PC. Yes I know... this process is not a "system restore". But..."thanks" to Avast all my system restore points destroyed! Also...the drivers corrupted!!! I couldn't even log in to my PC!!!! Not even in safe mode. I had to take out my old IDE HDD from my laptop and to save all my data to an external HDD with the help of an IDE / SATA USB adapter.

And it's done. I spent just a few hours as I wanted to make a new fresh clean install of Windows XP pro.

Of course I have a backup of my system. Now I can use it but...I prefer to make a new one backup.

Bluetooth connection

Connected with my POCO C40

Transferring image file to my laptop.

File received

Installing NotePad++

I don't think you need instructions about how to download and install NotePad++.

Preinstalled programms inside my PC from my SUPER-DVD

It's ok! Of course I need more. It's a good start anyway.

Maybe I have to build a new SUPER-DVD with new Software! hehehe ;)
Only NotePad++ has been installed by me, as MyPal and Snippy are portable applications.

Start/Run/dxdiag....let'see my DirectX


DirectX Files






It's ok! I have to update these old drivers but...later.

All the DirectX drivers work fine!

Now go to see: Installing Old Software